Jebel Ali
Emirates Global Aluminium's smelter at Jebel Ali was the first to be built in the United Arab Emirates and only the second in the Gulf. When construction began back in 1976, it was one of the biggest industrial development projects in the region.
Production began at Jebel Ali in 1979, with three small potlines and nameplate production capacity of 135,000 tonnes per year. Since then, the plant has undergone eight separate expansions.
EGA’s Jebel Ali site was certified in 2021 to the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative’s Performance Standards, the aluminium industry’s internationally-recognised standard for environmental and social performance and governance.
Our site is located near Jebel Ali Port, south of the historic centre of Dubai, and covers an area five times bigger than Dubai Mall.
All our reduction cells at Jebel Ali were either built with our technology originally or have been upgraded with our technology since construction. We have seven potlines at Jebel Ali smelter.

Liquid metal is transferred to our two casthouses at Jebel Ali. We have 12 casting stations to make the products our customers need.

Our Jebel Ali site also has a desalination plant with a capacity of 30 million gallons (136,000 cubic metres) of water per day, meeting both our own water needs and supplying external water customers.

We manufacture carbon anodes on site at Jebel Ali for use in our smelter, and also bring some anodes from our carbon plant at Al Taweelah.

We have two dedicated berths for the import of raw materials at Jebel Ali Port by ship.

We have storage facilities at Jebel Ali for 310,000 tonnes of alumina, 50,000 tonnes of calcined petroleum coke and 30,000 tonnes of liquid pitch.