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CelestiAL solar aluminium

Emirates Global Aluminium was the first company in the world to make aluminium using the power of the sun

Producing aluminium using the power of the sun

Emirates Global Aluminium is the first company in the world to produce aluminium commercially using the power of the sun. We market this metal under the product name CelestiAL. Producing aluminium is energy intensive, and generating electricity accounts for some 60 per cent of the global aluminium industry’s greenhouse gas emissions. The use of solar power significantly reduces the emissions associated with aluminium smelting.

Producing aluminium requires large amounts of electricity, and generating it can create significant greenhouse gas emissions. CelestiAL aluminium, made in the UAE with solar power, helps make modern life possible for people around the world whilst protecting our planet for future generations.

Solar power is supplied by Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), which operates the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park in the desert outside Dubai, and by Emirates Electricity and Water Company (EWEC) from Noor Abu Dhabi at Sweihan.

Solar power is transmitted to EGA via the electricity grid and is tracked and traced through the use of the International Renewable Energy Certification system. This ensures that the energy used to produce EGA’s CelestiAL solar aluminium has been sourced from the sun.

BMW Group was the first customer for CelestiAL solar aluminium. We have also announced supply deals with Tier 1 suppliers of Mercedes-Benz and Nissan.

EGA has supplied CelestiAL solar aluminium to Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre for use in MBZ-SAT, the region’s most advanced commercial satellite in the field of high-resolution satellite imagery, which is due to be launched in 2024.

CelestiAL announcement: Interview with EGA's CEO

15 June 2023

BMW Group first to source CelestiAL-R, solar aluminium with recycled metal, from EGA

18 January 2021

EGA and DEWA make the UAE the first country in the world to produce aluminium using the power of the sun

2 February 2021

BMW Group becomes first customer for EGA’s CelestiAL aluminium, made with solar power

21 April 2022

EGA to supply CelestiAL solar aluminium to parts maker Hammerer Aluminum Industries, Tier 1 supplier of a premium car manufacturer

24 November 2022

EGA purchases Clean Energy Certificates for 1.1 million megawatt hours of electricity supplied by EWEC to support production of CelestiAL solar aluminium

17 May 2023

EGA’s CelestiAL solar aluminium to head for the stars with Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre, as company joins with Gulf Extrusions to Make it in the Emirates

15 June 2023

BMW Group first to source CelestiAL-R, solar aluminium with recycled metal, from EGA

18 January 2021

EGA and DEWA make the UAE the first country in the world to produce aluminium using the power of the sun

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