Engineer the Future
Encouraging young people to study and pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics
Over the last four decades, science, technology, engineering and mathematics professionals have built Emirates Global Aluminium into the largest industrial company in the United Arab Emirates outside oil and gas.
Today, EGA employs over 1,500 STEM experts, including more than 500 UAE Nationals. To continue our success for the decades ahead, we want more young people to study and pursue careers in STEM fields.
But it is not just EGA that needs STEM talent for the future. Our nation does too.
UAE Centennial 2071 identifies STEM skills as vital to the development of a competitive, diversified, knowledge-based economy in the United Arab Emirates. Excellence in STEM is also essential to achieve the UAE’s Operation 300bn industrial growth goals.
Through our Engineer the Future programme, EGA aims to inspire young people to study and pursue careers in STEM.