Our aluminium touches your modern city
EGA’s aluminium is used to build where you live and work.
Learn moreEGA’s aluminium is used to manufacture electronics that make your world a smaller place.
The United Arab Emirates has more mobile phones than people. More than twice as many in fact. And we spend a lot of time using them to stay in touch with people at home and around the world. Every time we use a mobile phone, a computer or any other electronic device, we are using aluminium.
Aluminium is used to carry power and information through semiconductor chips, the ‘brains’ of our electronic devices.
Aluminium is a better conductor of electricity than steel and is three times lighter than copper. That is why it is increasingly used for high voltage transmission lines bringing power to our homes, so we can recharge our mobile phones.
Aluminium alloys are often used in communications satellites because they can withstand the radiation and pull of gravity in the Earth’s orbit.
EGA’s aluminium is used to build where you live and work.
Learn moreEGA’s aluminium is used to build planes you fly in.
Learn moreEGA’s aluminium is used to build the cars you drive on your daily journeys.
Learn moreEGA’s aluminium is used to make packaging that keeps your food and drink fresher for longer.
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